Client Portals - Utilizing the Free CRM within Your MLS

Client Portals - Utilizing the Free CRM within Your MLS | A Cup of Social

Throughout my real estate career as an agent, admin and coach, I have been shocked at how many agents fail to utilize their MLS's client portals. Every MLS program I have used regularly over the last (almost) 20 years has some version of a client portal. Some are more user-friendly, some have amazing features and some were severely lacking, but all were great at keeping your clients and leads on a steady drip campaign, feeding them listings and keeping you at the top of people's minds. 

Client Portals - Utilizing the Free CRM within Your MLS

What's a "Client Portal?"

The simple and sweet explanation is this- client portals allow you to add your contacts directly into your MLS program. Depending on the level of awesomeness your MLS has, you can add contact information, create groups, add notes, and most importantly, send your client listings matching saved search criteria without having to manually send them. I have never seen one go so far as to allow content-driven drip campaigns, only matched listings, but if you don't have a website that allows for visitors to save searches, this is a great cost-effect solution to sending clients listing updates.

Learn That Ish

Some portals will let the client create and save searches, others require the agent to set up and save searches for the client. To find out which yours allows, set yourself up as a client. Become familiar with the client side of your portal- from email alerts to saving listings to asking questions to sharing listings. You will have at least one client at some point in time asking for assistance. Learning how to use the portal will allow you to answer most of these questions yourself without having to search how-to manuals or calling IT. Trust me on this. You will look like a rock star if you know how to use your portal and any admin you have working for you will be grateful that you are not calling them during personal time because that HOT buyer can't figure out that the starred listings are their saved ones. (This one comes from personal experience and I will tell you this- no one likes that call at 10 PM or on the weekends and if your admin doesn't swear at you, doesn't forget your coffee later that morning, or doesn't give you the cold shoulder, give them a genuine "thank you" and buy them lunch. Better yet, even if they do, still say thanks because you should have known how to do it yourself, regardless of your production level. LEARN YOUR PROGRAMS! It's literally YOUR JOB to know how to use your systems and MLS.)  

"That's a Pro-Move"

(Forgive the reference, we watch wayyyy too much Cooks vs Cons at home and we constantly call things "pro-moves." Not only do I live with fellow geeks and nerds, we are also giant dorks at times...)

If your portal requires the agent to create and save searches, then go ahead and setup searches that you will use most frequently with minimum filters. You can then quickly add the saved search to a new lead and update the criteria much faster. For example, you work primary new construction, priced between $150,000 and $300,000 in zip code 12345. Set this up as a search and when you get a new matching lead, you can quickly add this search to their portal. Not sure of their target area or price range because they came in at midnight and it is now 6 AM and not an appropriate time to call anyone? Have a saved search of active listings in the city/county/broad area that you work. Create their portal using this search and once you get them on the phone, you can then start to whittle down their criteria in a new search or in the same one.  

Don't Forget Your Sellers

Client portals are not just for buyers. I have seen agents set their sellers up and save a search using the neighborhood that the listing is in. Your sellers can easily see how their listing looks and can be notified of market updates like new listings, price changes, and solds. (If you think sellers aren't already keeping an eye on Zillow or for their listing, you are very much mistaken. Almost every seller I have worked with and/or met know the second their property hits the internet and check it for accuracy, including ones the agent deemed "too computer illiterate" to know how. Never make that assumption. Everyone knows how to Google these days.) Everything comes from you, so you look even more awesome without having to call them for every market shift.  

Go Forth and Prosper

Now add all of your leads as soon as you get them. They will be able to view accurate (or as accurate as the listing agent made the listing), up to the minute changes on all listings in the MLS and if they need assistance, they will reach out to you and not 5 random agents.   Using the under-utilized tool that is MLS client portals will put you ahead of the rest of the broker crowd and keep you in the forefront of your leads and clients minds. Just be sure to follow up on any questions, make sure they are receiving their listing alerts and that their search(s) are pulling desired results.

Until next time my lovelies!


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Client Portals - Utilizing the Free CRM within Your MLS | A Cup of Social
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