3 Low-Key Menus for Lammas and Lughnasadh

Lammas/Lughnasadh falls on August 1st and marks yet another turn of the wheel of the year. It’s always been one of my favorite times of year for a few reasons. For starters, my birthday is on the 5th so I feel an instant connection with this holiday. Second, as a nerdy kid, August always meant school was starting back or had just started. (I still love stocking up on cute notebooks, binders and office supplies when they hit the shelves.) And third, it usually means the painfully hot part of summer has ended and we have moved onto the only kinda painfully hot part of late summer. In fact, the past few days I’ve been able to open the windows, turn off the air and just enjoy the cool early mornings and nights with this latest break in the weather. Depending on where you live, the shift on the seasons may be a bit more noticeable or even less so. To be honest, a week ago I could only tell the change based on how much the sun patch the cats fight over had shrunk. But it’s there, that subtle shift in the weather. A cooler breeze dancing through the trees. Fewer litters being born and eggs hatching in nests. Autumn is on her way….

But before we get in a hurry and rush toward the Autumn Equinox and Halloween/Samhain, let’s take a moment to enjoy Lughnasadh, Lammas, August Eve or whatever you call it! It’s the halfway point between the Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox, when the first harvest starts to take place (except around here where you probably started harvesting weeks ago). We celebrate with eating corn, wheat, berries, potatoes, fresh herbs and whatever else is fresh from the garden! However, as with most pagan holidays, we don’t get a day or two off work to celebrate with bonfires, cookouts and dancing. But we can still feast like our ancestors, even on a Thursday! So to help you get into the spirit of Lammas and Lughnasadh, I have 3 simple yet delish menu ideas for you! Are there recipes? Sure….in my home books….that aren’t online….but you can always search Pinterest for exact recipes, think of these menus as a guide to help you plan your best Lughnasadh/Lammas yet!

3 Low-Key Menus for Lammas & Lughnasadh | A Cup of Social

3 Low-Key Menus for Lammas & Lughnasadh

Menu Idea 1 – Sunday-Style Chicken Dinner

Herb crusted chicken leg quarters OR fried chicken

Green beans

Mashed potatoes OR potato salad

Honey cornbread

Berry cobbler

Sun tea

Menu Idea 2 – Taco Night

Pulled pork/shredded chicken street tacos

Black bean and corn salad with avocado, feta/goat cheese, red onion, grape tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice and zest

Fresh horchata or mojitos

Menu Idea 3 – Shrimp Pasta

Homemade basil pesto over fresh linguine (or other pasta) with peeled & deveined shrimp

Side salad

Freshly baked bread

White wine

Didn’t plan at all for a big dinner or don’t cook? Don’t sweat it! I’ve celebrated many a holiday eating burgers and fries, pizza or Chinese takeout! It’s more about time with your friends, family, deities and self than cooking the perfect meal with all the honored foods. Just celebrate the way that’s best for YOU!

Much love and enjoy my lovelies!

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3 Low-Key Menus for Lammas & Lughnasadh | A Cup of Social
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