Work from Home Tips

With most of the country (and world) shifting toward working from home for the foreseeable future, I thought I would share some tips on working from my favorite place – home!

Work from Home Tips | A Cup of Social

Work from Home Tips

  1. Create a designated space for you to work as far away from work distractions as possible. If you do not have space for a desk/table and have to work from the couch or bed, turn off the TV and/or wear headphones to limit distractions.
  2. Create and adhere to a work schedule. It’s easy to slip into a loose schedule of bingeing Netflix and suddenly it’s been 4 days since you logged work time. Having a set schedule will prevent lost time.
  3. If you know you can’t work with housework hovering, schedule a home power hour before you start working to tackle those chores and reduce stress. (I actually do this every day before work and knowing my home is clean skyrockets my work productivity.)
  4. Take regular breaks away from your desk. For starters, no one in an office works solidly for 8 hours straight. You go to the bathroom, you get a snack, you chitchat with your cube neighbor and boss. Now I’m not saying to only work 2 hours a day, instead work for 45-50 minutes then get up, stretch, pee, get a snack or walk your pup before sitting back down. That 10-15 minutes will help your productivity more than working 4 hours non-stop.
  5. Reach out to your coworkers and bosses regularly, even if it’s not required. Working from home gets lonely and staying in contact with your team means staying connected to your team. Bosses feel more at ease knowing you are tackling your job and you can vent with coworkers about the massive lines at your home coffee pot now that “more people work here.” (Yes this is a joke. Laugh with me and my crazy humor.)
  6. Wear what makes you most productive. Some days I work best in full work clothes and other days I roll out of bed and start working only to realize at 4 PM, I’m still in my PJs.
  7. Have a set end time. Just like it’s really easy to slip into lost days off, it’s really easy to continue to answer emails after the close of business. Unless your boss is requiring you to be on-call 24/7, it’s ok to turn off your email and walk away after you put in a full day of work.
  8. Utilize productivity apps you may not have used before. Trello, Asana, Slack, Toggl, Zoom, they all help you stay on track and connected to team members.
  9. Sanitize your work space. When was the last time you cleaned your keyboard and mouse? Give it a wipe down at the end of the day.
  10. Indulge in the good coffee. I don’t know anyone who prefers the coffee at work over the coffee at home, but even still, buy some fancy flavored coffee or a new dark roast blend to add a little flare to your afternoon cup.
Stay safe out there and enjoy the #homebodylife!

Until next time my lovelies!


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