Trello Calendar of Events Board for 2021


Trello Calendar of Events Board for 2021

Trello Calendar of Events Board for 2021

Now available on the Ko-fi shop!

Every day is a holiday worth celebrating!

On any given day, there is a least one holiday associated with that day. Some are important historical or religious dates while others are just for fun, but all have their value! This Trello board has tons of holidays and events listed for each day running from July 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

Use these holidays however you like - such as content creation or as an opportunity to learn something about a culture, nation or cause you previously didn't know much about.

Additionally, because Trello is a workhorse, you can use this board as a daily planner for all your events, appointments, reminders and trackers.

Instructions for copying the board to your personal workspaces is provided within the first list. You will need an active Trello account to access the board, but if you do not have an account, you can easily sign up from the board link.

Trello Calendar of Events Board for 2021
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