November is Cottagecore Month

November is Cottagecore Month | A Cup of Social

November is Cottagecore Month at A Cup of Social!

Hello and welcome to November! With only two months left in the year that lasted a decade, I want to focus on my favorite trend these days - cottagecore. The cottagecore lifestyle is one of simplicity and creating a home that has a distinctive cottage/farm feel. Color schemes tend to favor browns, tans and creams with rich accents. Food is made from scratch, preferably with ingredients grown or raised by you or at least your local farmer. Hobbies are often quiet like reading and/or tend to focus on creating something - knitting, sewing, scrapbooking, or journaling. Homesteader skills are favored highly as well - canned, baking, foraging, gardening, animal raising, and wood chopping as many cottagecore followers wanting to ideally live off the grid. Reusing what you have or thrifting for items you need is highly valued.

While this lifestyle turns off many who love all things modern and fast-paced, it does draw many from all areas of life, including myself. During the month of November, I am going to highlight various ways this city-dweller has been incorporating aspects of the cottagecore lifestyle into my own life for years and how you can easily do the same!

Check back here during the month of November to navigate all my cottagecore posts for the month or sign up to be notified via email when I share a new post!


Welcome to My Cottagecore Home Tour!

Cottagecore Hobbies and Skills for the City-Dweller

Cottagecore Kitchen Tips & Tricks to Try This Week

Cottagecore Holiday Gift Ideas

Homemade Cottagecore Holiday Gifts

Until next time, my lovelies!


November is Cottagecore Month | A Cup of Social
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